Today is John Wilson, Jr.'s birthday. As such, I must note that anything published about him that is not from/by Fria M. Wilson (Moore), Talila A. Lewis, or HEARD should not be shared. Ijeoma Oluo and HarperOne / HarperCollins's "book", Be A Revolution (edited by Rakesh Satyal) misrepresents, disrespects, distorts, and commodifies John Wilson; his family; his friend and long-time advocate, Talila A. Lewis (me); as well as his political home, HEARD (an organization that I founded and directed for free for over a decade), and many other Black/Indigenous, disabled, queer, GNC/trans organizations, collectives, communities, ancestors & living peoples. Oluo is represented by Lauren Abramo of Dystel, Goderich & Bourret LLC. We will be sharing more information here on Disability Visibility Project soon, but out of respect for John Wilson, myself, and our communities, we ask the public not support or purchase this book or support this publisher until they have taken meaningful steps to rectify the egregious harms against me, John Wilson, HEARD, the Harriet Tubman Collective, #DisabilitySolidarity, and the Black/Indigenous disabled people who the author "profiled" without notice or consent. Do not share any information from this book with the public and do not invite this author to your libraries, universities, bookstores, establishments to discuss this book. We will share more information about John Wilson, his family, HEARD, and myself in our time, in our own publications, and in our own languages, and our own "voices". In the interim, please learn about and share information that HEARD and I have created about John Wilson's life, case, family, and wrongful convictions of deaf/disabled people. If you want to learn more from social media, search the hashtags #JohnWilsonLives, #DeafWrongfulConviction, #DeafInPrison. Thank you.
![]() watercolor image of Ki'tay D. Davidson by Elyssa Siegel. Ki'tay is holding a microphone with one hand and snapping with his other. He is wearing his favorite "do you even roll bro?" t shirt with his arms out and mustard orange jeans with a black leather hat turned backwards. (and the hand of Allie Cannington, his co-presenter and best friend) holding a microphone next to him. Allie cant be fully seen. Art gifted to TL & Allie in 2015 after Ki'tay's passing. December 2, 2024 marks Ki'tay D. Davidson's tenth year as an Ancestor. In honor of his tenth year as an Ancestor, we hope to share some news with our communities about what his mother and loved ones have been working on to honor him and share a couple of his photos, videos, offerings that have never been made public. This is an invitation to get know Ki'tay D. Davidson through his and his communities' own expressions. Important note: Ijeoma Oluo and HarperOne / HarperCollins' recent "book", Be A Revolution (edited by Rakesh Satyal) misrepresents Ki'tay D. Davidson and commodifies his death alongside many other Black/Indigenous, disabled, queer, GNC/trans organizations, collectives, communities, ancestors and living peoples. Information about Ki'tay D. Davidson in this text is inaccurate. His mother, family, friends, communities, and I (his partner) ask you not share any information about him from this "book." Oluo is represented by Lauren Abramo of Dystel, Goderich & Bourret LLC. Please only share information about Ki'tay from Ki'tay and our communities. We will be sharing more information here and on Disability Visibility Project soon. We thank you in advance for your support. POETRY FROM KI'TAY: This poem has never before been released to the public. It was released on the occasion of StaceyFest, on July 20, 2024. First electronically drafted by Ki'tay on September 5, 2014, then entitled Embracing masculinity to heal., Ki'tay landed on this final title, to be trans, to be a flower (intergenerational healing and transformation). One of Stacey Park Milbern's last acts of solidarity was to develop a fellowship in honor of Ki'tay. Listen to this poem in spoken English here; and this poem in English text here. ![]() An image of Ki'tay D. Davidson on the campus of American University holding up a pink sign that says I Aspire to . . . [individuals can write whatever they want in response, Ki'tay wrote]: redefine masculinity. In the background there are people standing chatting with each other in small groups of three or two. Ki'tay is a Black young person with dark brown skin, a teenie afro a gray hoodie and a brown satchel with his books on one shoulder. Photo circa 2012/2013. CONVOS WITH KI'TAY!
#KitayLives Non/responses to the pandemic have painfully and chillingly illustrated how people, systems, society, etc., use purported "fitness/health/wellness," as well as age, location, and other factors to make decisions about worthiness and value. This year, my living ableism definition modifications explicitly name birth place and living place. I removed the term "nationality" to avoid feeding into settler-imperialist conceptions of space/place and invite people to consider "living place" very expansively so as to include people who have pathological/criminal labels that invite surveillance, incarceration, institutionalization, etc., and for people who are transient, nomadic, non-possessory in how they exist, and more. Previous definitions and additional context can be found here (2021), here (2020), and here (2019). Image description: rectangular image with the definition of ableism laid over various colored blocks in the background indicating the overlaid, intertwined, connected nature of all forms of systemic oppression to ableism. The following words are on the image: able·ism /ˈābəˌlizəm/ noun A system of assigning value to people's bodies and minds based on societally constructed ideas of normalcy, productivity, desirability, intelligence, excellence, and fitness. These constructed ideas are deeply rooted in eugenics, anti-Blackness, misogyny, colonialism, imperialism, and capitalism. This systemic oppression that leads to people and society determining people's value based on their culture, age, language, appearance, religion, birth or living place, "health/wellness", and/or their ability to satisfactorily re/produce, "excel" and "behave." You do not have to be disabled to experience ableism. working definition by @TalilaLewis, updated January 2022, developed in community with disabled Black & negatively racialized folks. Read more:
I have been updating my working definition of ableism for some years. This version simplifies some of the language from previous versions and explicitly includes desirability, misogyny, imperialism, language and religion as ideologies/characteristics used by societies, institutions, people to assign value to others. Please review context provided with the previous versions of the definition (linked above). May 2024 update: Working to develop a full timeline of the conversations that led to the development of this definition. ![]() Deep purple and blue gradient background with the following words: ABLEISM a·ble·ism \ ˈābə-ˌli-zəm \ noun A system that places value on people’s bodies and minds based on societally constructed ideas of normality, intelligence, excellence, desirability, and productivity. These constructed ideas are deeply rooted in anti-Blackness, eugenics, misogyny, colonialism, imperialism and capitalism. This form of systemic oppression leads to people and society determining who is valuable and worthy based on a person’s language, appearance, religion and/or their ability to satisfactorily [re]produce, excel and "behave." You do not have to be disabled to experience ableism. a working definition by Talila "TL" Lewis*; updated January 2021 *developed in community with Disabled Black and other negatively racialized people. HEARD teamed up with five other amazing community organizations to create the first #ASL vlog about #MassIncarceration in the United States. I was honored to draft the statement and support with the translation and coordination of this important project.
Thank you for this powerful collaboration to the following organizations:
Take a few minutes to learn why people are calling to #DefundPolice. SPANISH TRANSLATION: ¡Nos asociamos con otrascinco increíbles organizaciones comunitarias para crear el primer vlog de #ASLsobre #EncarcelaciónMasiva en los Estados Unidos! Es necesario tomar el tiempopara saber por qué la gente llama a #DesfinanciarLaPolicia/#DesembolsarLaPolicia. Gracias por esta poderosa colaboración con lassiguientes organizaciones:
#SolidaridadDeDiscapacitadxs #BlackLivesMatter #LasVidxsNegrxsImportan #BlackDisabledLivesMatter ------------------------------ Spanish & English Transcript and video description below and linked here: ------------------------------ [TRANSCRIPT with visual descriptions: Video opens with the Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of Deaf Communities (HEARD) logo. HEARD presents: Mass Incarceration. Video opens to a Black indigenous individual from HEARD wearing a black polo shirt in front of a white wall. All messages are in American Sign Language.] Maybe you’ve seen the English term “mass incarceration” and thought, hmm...I wonder what that is? Maybe you were curious and tried to do some research for yourself. But you could never find the information video in ASL or a captioned video so you could clearly understand “mass incarceration”. We have a series of short vlogs to help make it more clear. This vlog will show important statistics on prisons, education, police as related to disabled/deaf people and other marginalized groups. We’ll explain why it’s important to our communities to pay attention and help slow down and even end incarceration in the US. Future vlogs have other information too, like the history of crime and punishment, and prisons here in the U.S. Also, examples of deaf/disabled people being wrongly accused and imprisoned, plus how to be prepared to interact with police and the legal system. Third, information about current action and movements to fight inequality in the legal system. Fourth, maybe other legal topics you think are important. Let us know, share your thoughts! Hey! One important thing: when it comes to “mass incarceration”, keep in mind that signs are still being discussed, debated and developed about this topic. Conversation and feedback is very helpful and important! Now, let’s get started with some basic facts and information. [Screen transitions to a woman representing Gathering of Deafatives. She is wearing a black shirt and turquoise jewelry in front of a light background.] Here are some signs currently being used for mass incarceration: [Two signs are offered]. Remember, we in signing communities are still developing signs so maybe after you learn about this, you can share possible signs you would use? Now we are ready for facts about the policing system & prison systems. Did you know that the United States imprisons people more than any other country in the world? Wow. The U.S. has 2.2 million people currently incarcerated, and at least 2.7 million children have an incarcerated parent. [A graphic is shown on screen: Incarceration per 100,000 people among founding NATO countries. The United States is at the top of the graph, showing a disproportionate amount of incarcerated people. Source: Prison Policy Initiative, 2018. A new representative appears on screen from Council de Manos. She is sitting outdoors, wearing glasses and a black shirt. As she gives her message, supplemental text appears on screen, matching this transcript.] Did you know that people in jails, prison and immigration detention are 3-4x more likely than the general population to have a disability? Disability can include deaf, deafblind, deafdisabled, hard of hearing, late deafened and many other kinds of disabilities. Of course, you probably already know that disabled/deaf people in prison have awful experiences. Prisons and jails often do not follow disability rights laws, such as the ADA. This results in little or no access to information, services, programs or resources, not to mention isolation, frequent abuse, and much more. Very sad. [Video transitions to a Black man representing National Black Deaf Advocates. He is wearing a green polo shirt and is standing in front of a dark background.] Maybe you’re curious, what do education and police systems have to do with education? Good question. The U.S. education system and the police system can ignite a path to prison, beginning at an intersection between these systems. In the educational system, Black, Indigenous, and Latinx students, as well as students with disabilities and other marginalized students are often treated unfairly. For example, a study from the Department of Education found that Black, Indigenous, and Latinx students are punished more harshly for the same behavior as their non-disabled and white peers. Many studies show that these disparities cannot be explained by differences in behavior. Wow…The studies explain that this inequity is because of differential enforcement of school discipline policies and systemic discrimination, prejudice and stereotypes, which includes “cultural miscommunication” between students and teachers. Many teachers do not have the same background or lived experiences of their students or the students’ families. [Video transitions to a new individual representing Deaf Queer Resource Center. They are wearing a white shirt and black watch, sitting in front of a dark background.] More suspensions and expulsions mean less education time, less enjoyment of education experience, with more being held back and/or dropping out. It might surprise you that suspensions and expulsions also influence the chance of contact with juvenile and adult prison systems. One study found that students who have been suspended or expelled are three times more likely to come into contact with the juvenile system the following year, compared to students who have not been suspended or expelled. Here is a chart showing suspension patterns by race and disability. You can see that all disabled students are disproportionately suspended and disabled students who were Black, Latinx & Indigenous even more unequally suspended. [A graphic is shown on screen: Suspension by percentage. Disabled statistics are in blue, and non-disabled statistics are in green showing more disabled people receiving suspension. Source: Center for Civil Rights Remedies at the Civil Rights Project. Back to the representative from Gathering of Deafatives.] Similar to the education system, the police system also unfairly targets, criminalizes and incarcerates deaf, disabled and Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people. For example, Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people are disproportionately killed by police. Many people are killed by police every year who are deaf, disabled, Black, Latinx, Indigenous, or even low/no income. [Artwork appears on screen: Watercolor portrait of a young black man wearing a black cap and shirt on yellow background. Text reads: Justice for Mario Woods / over 50% of people killed by police are disabled *no comprehensive data is collected but available reports show at least half of those killed by police have psych disabilities, these statistics do not include people who have mobility, sensory or developmental impairments or people who are otherwise neurodivergent or sick/chronically ill. Disability Justice Now #Black Lives Matter. Back to the HEARD representative.] Let’s summarize. What is mass incarceration? The U.S. has less than 5% of the global population, but almost 25% of the world’s prison population. Since the 1970s, the U.S. incarcerated population has increased by 700% – that’s 2.3 million people in jail and prison, incarceration far outpacing population growth and crime. So, why should you care about mass incarceration? The U.S. system is extreme in targeting and disproportionately imprisoning marginalized communities! These communities include disabled, deaf, lower-income, Black, Latinx, Indigenous, migrant, LGBTQ people, and so many more. Working to end mass incarceration is important because jails and prisons have severely negative effects, harming our communities’ health, safety, rights, access to jobs, voting, education, family, language, and much more. This especially negatively affects marginalized communities, including deaf and disabled. Stay tuned for our next vlog in this very important series and share some of your thoughts on mass incarceration below! [Text on screen reads: Video editor - ASLIZED! Fade to black as video ends. Captions by] (TRANSCRIPCIÓN con descripciones visuales: El video se abre con el logotipo Educando Para Avanzar los Derechos de las Comunidades Sordxs (conocido por sus siglas en Inglés, HEARD). HEARD presenta: Encarcelamiento Masivo. El video abre a una persona Indígena Negrx que trabaja en HEARD con una camisa polo negra frente a una pared blanca. Todos los mensajes están en lengua de señas Estadounidenses, ASL. Quizás hayas visto la palabra o frase ‘Encarcelamiento masivo” y te hayas preguntado qué es eso? De pronto tuvieron curiosidad y quisieron investigar el tema pero a lo mejor no habían podido encontrar información sobre el encarcelamiento masivo en Señas Estadounidense - ASL. Tenemos un video para Uds. que esperamos que podra explicar el tema un poco mejor. De qué consiste este VLOG/ video? ● Estadísticas importantes sobre las prisiones ● Compartir educación relacionado con este tema ● Discutir sobre nuestras comunidades y su relación con la policía ● Explicar la relación de la policía con nuestros miembros de comunidad que tienen discapacidades incluyendo a las personas Sordas y de otras identidades en las comunidades marginalizadas. ● Explicar cómo es la vida de las personas Sordxs encarceladas y otros grupos marginalizados. ● Explica por qué es importante para nuestras comunidades prestar atención y ayudar a combatir / poner fin al encarcelamiento en los EE. UU. Haremos más vídeos/ VLOGs en un futuro cercano. Los temas serán los siguientes:
Algo importante para recordar: las señas de ASL que estamos usando siguen en discusión. Seguimos elaborando y colaborando en nuestro equipo y comunidad sobre el tema de la encarcelación masiva. Sus diálogos y retroalimentación nos ayudará y es importante! [pantalla hace transición a una mujer get está juntando Deafatives - Personas Sordxs que son indígenas de EEUU. Tiene puesto una camiseta negra y joyeria de color turquesa esta en frente de una pared de color claro) Ya podemos comenzar con nuestro tema de hoy! [Deletrean an ASL ENCARCELACIÓN MASIVA para demostrar que comienza el tema] Estas son las señas EEUU/ASL que se están usando para ENCARCELACIÓN MASIVA. *damos 2 opciones por ahora* Recuerden que estamos aún desarrollando y construyendo las señas que le corresponden a estos conceptos. De pronto después de ver estos videos nos puedes recomendar más opciones de señas para usar. Ahora, podemos hablar de la evidencia/ los hechos del sistema policial y sistema carcelario aquí en los EEUU. Los EEUU tienen 2.2 millones de personas encarceladas. WOW ! 2.7 millones de ninxs con un pariente en la Cárcel. [source:] ¿Sabías de las personas que están en la cárcel, o las prisiones, o en detención de inmigracion tienen 3 a 4 veces más probabilidades de tener discapacidad? [Se muestra un gráfico en la pantalla: Encarcelamiento por cada 100.000 personas entre los países fundadores de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte- OTAN. Estados Unidos está en la parte superior del gráfico, mostrando una cantidad desproporcionada de personas encarceladas. Fuente: - Iniciativa de Política Penitenciaria, Prison Policy Initiative, 2018. Un nuevo representante aparece en la pantalla del Council de Manos. Ella está sentada al aire libre, con gafas y una camisa negra. Mientras da su mensaje, aparece un texto complementario en la pantalla, que coincide con esta transcripción.] ¿Sabía que las personas en las cárceles, la prisión y los centros de detención de inmigrantes tienen entre 3 y 4 veces más probabilidades que la población en general de tener una discapacidad? La discapacidad puede incluir sordos, sordociegos, personas con discapacidad auditiva, sordera que ocurre tarde y muchos otros tipos de discapacidades. A lo mejor ya sepas que las personas discapacitadas / Sordxs en prisión tienen experiencias horribles. Las prisiones y cárceles a menudo no siguen las leyes de derechos de las personas con discapacidad, como el Acto de Las Personxs Con Discapacidades, conocido en Inglés por sus siglas ADA. Esto resulta en poco o ningún acceso a información, servicios, programas o recursos, incluyendo el aislamiento, el abuso frecuente y mucho más. Una triste realidad. [El video cambia a un hombre negro que representa a Defensores Nacionales de Personas Sordxs Negrxs, Lleva una camisa polo verde y está parado frente a un fondo oscuro.] Tal vez tenga curiosidad, ¿qué tienen que ver los sistemas de policía con la educación? Buena pregunta. El sistema educativo de los Estados Unidos y el sistema policial pueden abrir un camino hacia la prisión, comenzando en una intersección entre estos sistemas. En el sistema educativo, los estudiantes Negrxs, Indígenas y Latinx, así como los estudiantes con discapacidades y otros estudiantes marginalizados, a menudo son tratados injustamente. Por ejemplo, un estudio del Departamento de Educación encontró que los estudiantes Negros, Indígenas y Latinx son castigados con más dureza por el mismo comportamiento que sus compañeros blancos y sin discapacidades. Muchos estudios muestran que estas disparidades no se pueden explicar por diferencias de comportamiento. Vaya… Los estudios explican que esta inequidad se debe a la aplicación diferencial de las políticas de disciplina escolar y la discriminación sistémica, los prejuicios y los estereotipos, que incluye la “falta de comunicacion cultural” entre estudiantes y maestros. Muchos profesores no tienen los mismos antecedentes o experiencias vividas de sus alumnos o de sus familias. [El video cambia a una nueva persona que representa al Centro de recursos para sordos queer. Llevan una camisa blanca y un reloj negro, sentados frente a un fondo oscuro.] Más suspensiones y expulsiones significan menos tiempo de educación, menos disfrute de la experiencia educativa, con más retenciones y / o abandono. Puede que le sorprenda que las suspensiones y expulsiones también influyan en la posibilidad de contacto con los sistemas penitenciarios de menores y adultos. Un estudio encontró que los estudiantes que han sido suspendidos o expulsados tienen tres veces más probabilidades de entrar en contacto con el sistema juvenil el año siguiente, en comparación con los estudiantes que no han sido suspendidos o expulsados. Aquí hay una tabla que muestra los patrones de suspensión por raza y discapacidad. Puede ver que todos los estudiantes discapacitados son suspendidos de manera desproporcionada y los estudiantes discapacitados que eran Negros, Latinx e Indígenas son suspendidos de manera aún más desigual. [La imagen en la pantalla: Las suspensiones en porcentajes. El color azul representa las estadísticas de estudiantes discapacitadxs y el color verde representa los estudiantes no discapacitadxs indicando que las personas discapacitadxs reciben más suspensiones. Fuente: El Centro de Reparaciones para los Derechos Humanos en el Proyecto de Derechos Humanos. Regresando al representante de Juntando Deafatives.] En comparación al sistema educativo, el sistema policial también injustamente toma de punto, criminaliza a, y encarcela a personas sordas, discapacitadas y también a personas Negrxs, Latinxs, e Indígenxs. Por ejemplo, lxs personas Negrxs, Indígenxs, y Latinxs son asesinados por la policía en números desproporcionados. Muchas personas sordxs, discapacitadxs, Negrxs, Latinxs, Indígenxs, y también que reciben poco o ningún ingreso están asesinados por la policía cada año. [Una obra de arte entra en la pantalla: Un retrato en acuarela de un joven negro llevando un gorro negro con camisa negra en frente de un fondo amarillo. El texto dice: Justicia para Mario Woods/ más de 50% de las personas asesinadas por la policía son discapacitados *no hay datos extensos pero los informes disponibles indican que por lo menos la mitad de las personas asesinadas por la policía tienen discapacidades psiquiátricas, estos datos no incluyen las personas con deficiencia de motricidad, sensorial, ni de desarrollo tampoco no incluyen las personas que tienen cualquier enfermedad crónica ni de desviación neurológica. Justicia de discapacidad ahora #Las vidas Negras importan. Regresando al representante de HEARD.] Resumamos. ¿Qué es el encarcelamiento masivo? Estados Unidos tiene menos del 5% de la población mundial, pero casi el 25% de la población carcelaria del mundo. Desde la década de 1970, la población encarcelada de EE. UU. Ha aumentado en un 700%, es decir, 2,3 millones de personas en la cárcel y la prisión, el encarcelamiento supera con creces el crecimiento de la población y el crimen. Entonces, ¿por qué debería preocuparse por el encarcelamiento masivo? ¡El sistema estadounidense es extremo al apuntar y encarcelar desproporcionadamente a comunidades marginadas! Estas comunidades incluyen personas discapacitadas, sordas, de bajos ingresos, negras, latinas, indígenas, migrantes, LGBTQ y muchas más. Trabajar para terminar con el encarcelamiento masivo es importante porque las cárceles y las prisiones tienen efectos muy negativos, dañando la salud, la seguridad, los derechos, el acceso al empleo, la votación, la educación, la familia, el idioma y mucho más de nuestras comunidades. Esto afecta especialmente a las comunidades marginadas, incluidas las personas sordas y discapacitadas. ¡Estén atentos para nuestro próximo vlog de esta serie tan importante y comparta algunos de sus pensamientos sobre el encarcelamiento masivo a continuación! [El texto en la pantalla dice: editor de video - ASLIZED! Transición a pantalla negra y el video se acaba. Subtitulado por] |
AuthorI dream incessantly of justice. Hoping to calm my mind & stir yours through this freedom space. Archives
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